Kodi Launchers - Multiple Kodi build launcher apps for Linux

Kodi Launcher

Suggested current Omega Launcher with working Live TV & Sports dependencies is named:

These are useful mostly to admins/mods (using Linux) of groups with multiple
builds that want to change really quickly to a build to produce screenshots /
videos for support, or build enthusiasts that switch such a number of builds.
Just click on a build, all necessary actions will be done, and Kodi will open
your build.
Kodi check loads a blank Kodi you prepared, with Diggz URL and wizard so you can
install a new build faster. Clicking on Store builds will delete that build if
you don't rename it to include it in a Kodi launcher properly.

Available versions:
Kodi.Launcher.Dual.sh ----- Dual launcher -System Omega & Flatpak Matrix.
Kodi.Launcher.Flatpak.Dual.sh ----- Flatpak only dual launcher -Nexus & Matrix.
Kodi.Launcher.Flatpak.Omega.sh ----- Flatpak only Omega launcher.
Kodi.Launcher.sh ----- Simple Nexus or Omega launcher.

Click to download any of the above here.

Make it executable eg with:
chmod +x Kodi.Launcher.sh
Dependencies: yad, thunar, kitty.

You may use multiple Launchers at once.

Notes on making it work, renaming or removing builds from Kodi Launcher:
Flatpak Kodi (system Kodi uses .kodi instead of data, replace data with .kodi
below for the current version) uses one exclusive folder named data and executes
only that, so a renaming procedure must take place to select multiple builds.
The big issue was to find a way for Launcher to automatically recognize the
build in "data" folder, and rename it to the build name, so you can change
The solution I'm using is to place empty text filenames inside each build that
the script recognizes, so place those text files and rename your builds folders
according to the app. Example in .kodiX folder, there is the Xenon Plus build,
and you have to place inside the folder an empty text file named: XenonPlus

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