Arch notes
0aa Arch installers & few distros
0a Compress
0b Compress, split, join
0c PNG JPG optimization
0d preferred packages
0e fine packages
0f Text to speech
0g Refresh refind kernels
0h Install overwriting files
0i Remove packages that have dependencies
0j Thorium Dark Mode
0k Cannot upgrade Arch Linux (pacman -Syu not working)
0l Mobile browser emulator
0m phpbb tips
0n Fish Aliases
0o Geany
0p Fluxbox
0q Identify graphics card
0r pacman commands - Rosetta
0s Install from different repo
0t Fix Java fonts
1a Kodi Nexus & Omega
1b Downgrade Flatpak Kodi
1c Kodi inputstream.ffmpegdirect
1d Kodi debugger
1e Kodi link to Shadow addon settings
1f Kodi auth tricks
1g Kodi flatpak
1h Kodi python 2.7 numpy fix
1i Yazi source, keymaps & commands
1j Firefox extra tweaks
1k Use Live Arch ISO as a Rescue Media
1l Current Arch mirror
1m Kodi cacert.pem
1n Firefox Color tips
2a packages not in menu
2b AV and anti rootkit
2c Extract audio from VOBs
2d Add SearxNG to Firefox forks search engines
3a Watch progress
3b Create an Anacron job to play a video weekly
4 exo-open Open .desktop files
5 pacman-mirrors
6 initramfs mkinitcpio
7 Grub update
8 Improve performance
9 Speedtests
10 Save folders to text
11 GPG keys
12a Change directory permissions
12 Remove orphans
19 fortune anarchism
20 Set clock
24 sudo
25 Use kitty with Thunar
26 Beep sound for end of command
27 Run sh executables in Thunar
28 Gimp text filters
29 Get Telegram code
30 Install scanner and printer
31 Resize fonts in URXVT
32 Outline Fonts
33 Alarm sound example
34 Fonts selected
36 Enable Chromium sync
38 Intel GPU
39 Use tar in building packages
41 See processes that connect remotely
42 Gedit mini map
43 See network connections
44 Keyring
45 Thorium or Mercury browser as default
46 Animated gif from images
47 Send magnets to qBittorrent
48 fkill OpenBox shortcut
49 Arch + AUR packages total
50 Boot process times
51 chmod examples
52 Chrome Dark Mode
53 CPU governors
54 Create Themes
55 Determine old packages
56 euro symbol
57a Extract on Thunar
57b Compress on Thunar
58 Feh with Thunar
59 Find files in packages
60 Fix consolefont warning on kernel update
61 Fix Telegram family fonts
62 ISO to USB
66 md5sum in PKGBUIKD
67 Installed packages lists
68 .xdefaults fonts
69 Resolution changing
70 Searchmonkey with Thunar
71 Tenacity cut large audio files
72 Themes
73 Unable to lock database
74 Virtualization
75 xfce4-terminal keyboard shortcuts
76 Aliases
77 Last boot log
78 Kitty conf changes
79 Fix Delete key in Zsh
80 Mapping keys in Kitty
81 Postpone blankscreen
82 Use dbus-broker instead of dbus
83 Root thunar
84 Edit as root in Thunar
85 Reverse stereo in Pipewire
86 Shut down too slow or freezes
87 Change Kitty icons
88 Pipewire
89 Set Thunar as default for directories
90 Find incomplete packages
91 GTK+ applications take 20 seconds to start
92 Pulseaudio
93 Sync pacman database
94 Hide wiki text
95 Change zsh prompt
97 Make headphones default
98 Qmmp skins
99 m3u8
100 Mediawiki image gallery
102 Cursor configuration
103 Default Java
104 MEC
106 3D icon sets
108 OBS encoding settings
109 Realtime kernel
110 Compare texts with diff
111 Ferdium font
112 Folder size on Thunar
113 Styles in Mousepad and Gedit
114 Switch gnome theme to Dark or Light
115 CudaText tips
94 Hide wiki text
Created Saturday 24 December 2022
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